Industry Case Study | Safeguarding Railway Safety, AR Emerges as an Efficient Maintenance "New Tool"
2024-05-23 18:05:00
Recently, the Ministry of Transport announced data showing that in April of this year, the passenger volume of urban rail transit increased by 220 million compared to the same period last year, an increase of 8.8%.

As the 'major arteries' of the city, the rapid development of urban rail transit not only brings convenience to people's daily lives but also promotes the continuous growth of the social economy. All of this is inseparable from the safe operation and management of the urban rail transit industry.

▲ 图源:pixabay

ALVA Systems, based on industry development trends and its own project empowerment experience, focuses on the safe operation of rail transit. It targets the maintenance, disassembly, and assembly of critical components such as railway wheelsets. The company provides more efficient AR remote maintenance solutions for equipment enterprises, helping them gain more market share.

*This case study focuses on the key project jointly developed by ALVA and a large railway equipment company. Due to confidentiality requirements, this article strictly prohibits any form of reproduction and use. The accompanying scenario images are not project images and are for reference only.


Project Background


Railway wheelsets, acting as the "feet" of train sets, have a direct impact on passenger safety due to their condition. Moreover, the maintenance process for wheelsets is complex, involving steps such as fault analysis, detection, repair, and disassembly and assembly. The difficulty in real-time supervision of onsite personnel's operations leads to biases in fault detection, resulting in unnecessary losses for equipment companies.

The railway equipment company involved in this project specializes in the research and development, production, assembly, and maintenance services of railway wheelsets.

As the business continues to expand, the problems with traditional maintenance methods have become increasingly prominent:

During remote maintenance, it is difficult to supervise tasks such as analyzing and detecting wheelset wear and defects, making it challenging for remote technicians to accurately determine whether a wheelset at the site needs to be sent for repair.

When wheelsets require return to the factory for repair, the disassembly and assembly processes often necessitate collaborative work among multiple personnel. Inaccurate transmission of on-site data, equipment processes, and other information can lead to unsafe and disorderly operations.

To address these pain points, the partnering enterprise has introduced the ALVA AR remote maintenance platform, which enables spatial sharing between the on-site and remote technicians. Even complex issues can be communicated accurately. Additionally, the integration of more sophisticated AR tools has made the maintenance of railway wheelsets more efficient, effectively ensuring the safe and smooth operation of trains.






The maintenance of railway wheelsets is a crucial aspect of rail transit operations, aimed at preventing safety hazards caused by wheelset wear and defects through regular inspections.

Using the ALVA AR remote maintenance platform, on-site personnel can synchronize maintenance conditions in real-time with remote technical staff, enabling precise transmission and communication of issues, data, and solutions. This makes the tasks of fault detection, repair, and disassembly of railway wheelsets more efficient.

▶ "More efficient fault detection"

▲ 相关场景示意图

During regular maintenance, when encountering complex fault detection issues, the use of AR technology's spatial sharing and spatial annotation features allows for the precise marking and presentation of wear and defects in wheelset components. This enables remote technical staff to supervise on-site operations in real-time, preventing misdetections and ensuring accuracy.

"Data transmission is more intuitive"



For wheelsets that need replacement, technicians integrate inspection data, 3D wheelset disassembly and assembly procedures, and other resources through the ALVA AR remote operation and maintenance platform. They then project mixed reality prompt information directly to the on-site personnel, allowing them to quickly understand the equipment status and efficiently complete the disassembly and assembly tasks for the wheelsets.



In addition, the maintenance process supports comprehensive recording and traceability, further contributing to the creation of a corporate maintenance operations knowledge base. This knowledge base can be used to enhance employee professional skills, thereby extending the value of the data.



Project achievements



Through the ALVA AR remote operation and maintenance platform, the collaborating enterprise in this project has achieved a visualization upgrade and multi-terminal sharing of maintenance data resources. The efficient utilization and precise allocation of data have made remote operations more agile, providing crucial support for the safe operation of rail transit.

Moreover, based on the initial maintenance data resources, ALVA also assists the enterprise in creating an AR knowledge base, empowering employee training, product development, and upgrades. This forms a value loop for the entire product lifecycle.


Looking ahead, ALVA Systems will further deepen its collaboration with enterprises in the rail transit industry, broadly empowering more companies with the project experience of the AR remote operation and maintenance platform, aiding them in achieving digital transformation.

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